KLIMAtiv - Climate-neutral fumigation processes
Through the Institutes ÖPV, AG and WS, the JKI has infrastructures and sufficient expertise to evaluate the effectiveness of fumigants and fumigation methods as phytosanitarry measure. Thus, in addition to studies with SF, studies with hydrogen...
Term: 2022-07-01 bis 2025-08-31Improving the resilience of native tree species to climate change-induced stress by using of sulphur-induced resistance/tolerance (SiRT) - Subproject 3: Selection and classification of forest sites regarding the sulfur nutritional status of the trees
Near-natural commercial forest ecosystems are not only important producers of the renewable raw material "wood", but are also of great ecological importance. To enable their sustainable management even under the stressful conditions of global...
Term: 2024-05-01 bis 2027-04-30Future lab - towards forests resilient to climate change
Central Europe has become a hotspot for extreme climatic events over the last ten years. Unprecedented combined drought and temperature anomalies such as in 2018, 2019 and 2022 have had a massive impact on forest ecosystems, including widespread...
Term: 2024-08-19 bis 2030-10-31SPRUCESAVER
Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H.Karst.) showed severe mortality following the extreme summers of 2018 and 2019, but also in the following years, mainly in off-site situations, triggered by epidemic outbreaks of bark beetles. Spruce still is the...
Term: 2024-11-01 bis 2027-10-31Evaluate and efectively utilize climate protection potentials of agroforestry (KlimAF) TP1 JKI_WS
Agroforestry systems and hedgerows can greatly contribute to mitigating GHG emissions in agriculture, as tree strips and hedgerows can store carbon in their biomass and increase soil organic. In addition, these systems improve microclimate, reduce...
Term: 2023-06-02 bis 2026-06-30Data collection on the use of of plant protection agents in the forest; Participation in the collection and evaluation of anthropogenous immissions regarding forest damage
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2028-12-31Evaluation of the application of plant protection products by aircraft
Directive No. 2009/128/EC of October 21, 2009 for the sustainable use of pesticides has stipulated to the member states of the EU that aerial spraying is only permitted for narrow exceptions. Therefore the German legislator has stipulated in § 18...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2028-12-31Development of diagnostic methods for pests and diseases of forest trees
Knowledge of forest diseases and the diagnosis and biology of their pathogens is important to secure forest ecosystem services and to avoid forest damage. Data collections in the forest, microbiological and molecular biological laboratory work,...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Studies on the biology and control of pests and diseases in forests, renewable resources and in urban green
Major causes of damage in forests are predominantly thermophilic species that are favoured by climate change. In the case of insects, these include various species of bark beetles, butterflies and leaf wasps. As the vitality of tree species...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Development of integrated plant protection methods in forests
In the forest protection integrated pest management practices are of central importance. According to the basic principles of integrated forest protection preventive measures to stabilize the ecosystem, as site specific tree species, stand...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31