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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Inhalt: 17th Symposium of the International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR): Cultivating Bio-Innovation for a Sustainable Future

Tagung - ICC Gent Gent

ISBR2025’s program will be developed around the central theme of Cultivating Bio-Innovation for a Sustainable Future. It willoffer attendees the opportunity to engage with the leading experts on the diverserange of topics relevant to sustainable bio-innovation. The symposium themewill be expounded through plenary sessions focusing on four sub-elements ofsustainable bio-innovation: Advancingpublic understanding - Exploring scientific opportunities, advancements, benefits,and challenges - Governance, policy, and regulatory frameworks - Potentials ofbio-innovation for a sustainable future. Detailed insights on specific topicsis provided through parallel sessions and workshops.

The program and registration isaccessible through

Art Tagung
Beginn 02. 11. 2025, 00:00 Uhr
Ende 06. 11. 2025, 23:59 Uhr
Ort ICC Gent, Familie van Rysselberghedreef , 9000 Gent
Kontakt Wilhelm, Ralf
Veranstalter International Society of Biosafety Research
Teilnehmerkreis Offen für externe Gäste