Compilation of a comprehensive collection of data on wild bees in Lower Saxony and Bremen as a basis for updating the Red List
Research of publications with observation data of wild bees in the area of present-day Lower Saxony and Bremen and extraction of the heterogeneously stored data (continuous text, tables). An AI language model developed in collaboration with the...
Term: 2025-03-01 bis 2025-07-31Comparison of pesticide residues in matrices collected by honey bees and bumble bees in strawberry
Since agricultural practices may differ between Germany and Slovakia, the project will conduct a comparative study of the exposure of honey bees and bumble bees to plant protection products during strawberry blossom. The findings from the project...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2025-07-31Evaluation the effects of used practice-relevant PPP mixtures in organic farming on adult honey bees and bee colonies
Various tank mixes are being developed in the project to improve the effectiveness of the individual products. The risk to bees of these tank mixtures must be clarified to be able to give practical recommendations. Therefore, various laboratory and...
Term: 2023-08-01 bis 2027-12-31ABBA on Fire - An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30Monitoring agro-ecosystems of sub-Saharan Africa: Pesticides and land use as stressors for plants, bees and pollination interactions
During the initiation of collaboration our objectives are to 1. Understand the working conditions of our project partners in Africa 2. Provide our African project partners with the needed skills to conduct long-term pollinator monitoring and...
Term: 2024-03-01 bis 2025-07-31Facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes, Phase 2, Subproject Honeybees and Bumblebees
The Julius Kühn Institut für Bee Protection conducts a yearly monitoring of the target taxon honeybee. Depending on the outcomes of pilot phase 1, the monitoring will be complemented with investigations of commercially available bumblebee...
Term: 2022-10-01 bis 2025-09-30Use of extremophile Helianthus species to improve sunflower resilience and ecosystem services
Based on the evaluation of climate-adapted wild relatives, HelEx will develop climate-resistant sunflower lines that reduce the EU's dependence on imported vegetable oils and proteins by switching to sustainable alternatives, mitigate the impact of...
Term: 2023-05-01 bis 2027-04-30Webservices for land use analyses in cases of bee poisoning and to promote biodiversity
The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is the federal research institute for cultivated plants in Germany. One principle task of the JKI Institute for Bee Protection is to investigate bee poisoning incidences (UbieV Center). The aim of the UBieV is the...
Term: 2022-08-01 bis 2025-07-31Safety of RNAi technology in plant protection: Method evaluation for estimating effectivity and potential impacts on target and off-target organisms
“RNAi_safe” pursues a methodological approach to answer open questions about the safe use of RNAi technology in plant protection. The project aims at detecting and evaluating of potential exposure pathways and effects of dsRNA-based plant...
Term: 2022-01-01 bis 2026-02-15Research on bee protection and promotion in agricultural landscapes
Research activities include the interplay between bee populations and agriculture, including horticulture, viticulture and forestry. Different management strategies are investigated, aiming at a higher environmental compativility of cultivation in...
Term: 2016-04-01 bis 2030-09-16