

Webservices for land use analyses in cases of bee poisoning and to promote biodiversity


2022-08-01 bis 2025-07-31

Project management

  • Jens, Pistorius

Responsible institute

Institut für Bienenschutz

Project preparer

  • Jens, Pistorius
  • Henri, Greil
  • Harmen, Hendriksma
  • Dorothee, Lüken

Overall objective of the project

The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is the federal research institute for cultivated plants in Germany. One principle task of the JKI Institute for Bee Protection is to investigate bee poisoning incidences (UbieV Center). The aim of the UBieV is the complete investigation of cases of damage to honey bees and wild bees within Germany. In order to achieve this goal, chemical-analytics are required. Also, in case of damage, a landscape analysis for the identification of sampling sites for affected agricultural areas is relevant. A current limitation is the lack of up-to-date and retrospective information on land use in the agricultural landscape in a user-friendly webtool. In particular, sharing all information of relevance, and the coordination with local actors for taking samples, needs improvement, because currently many incidents remain unclarified because of great uncertainties, in regards in the flight radius of the bees, to what plants and fields should be targeted for sampling. Beyond bee related themes, the proposed webtool will is of direct use to tailor measures to promote biodiversity. The Sen2Bee project pursues the following goals: 1; Development of a webtool for "on the fly" parameterization of bee poisening cases with locally detailed information on landuse. 2; Definition and evaluation of relevant bee habitats. 3; Interface for relevant information for the multiple actors that are involved.


Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI)