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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Falscher Mehltau an Rebblatt
21. December 2017

Copper pesticides

Details about the use, minimization and replacement strategies of copper in Germany published in an open access review article at journal "Organic Farming".

EPPO Workshop at JKI Berlin September 2017
24. October 2017

EPPO Workshop on integrated management of insect pests in oilseed rape

Berlin, 20-22 September 2017

G20-Workshop Züchtung trockenstresstoleranter Pflanzen Berlin des BMEL
20. October 2017

G20 expert workshop on „Agriculture and Water”

Water is a natural resource of vital importance in agriculture. This makes it also a limiting factor for growing sufficient crops to ensure food supplies for the world’s growing population. Renowned scientists from the USA, Australia, Peru, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and from European states have met in Berlin to discuss necessary steps for…

Kornkäfer in Weizenlager
13. September 2017

12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP) 2018 in Berlin

Registration has started

Abtriftversuch: Behandlung mit Sprühkanone
11. August 2017

Research project with focus on drift of biocides launched

Biocides are applied to protect humans against pests, fungal infections, alga or bacteria. The JKI-Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection is dealing with the drift of biocides during application for the first time. The applications include disinfectants as well as pesticides and preservatives. The application techniques are…

Drosophila suzukii
05. July 2017

Sino-German Symposium on Integrated Management of Drosophila suzukii held at JKI from Juni 26 to July 1, 2017

Identifying current knowledge gaps and potentially efficient strategies to control "Spotted Wing Drosophila"

06. March 2017

J-TEAM is top performing team at worldwide DREAM-CHALLENGE competition ENCODE-DREAM

J-TEAM is Jens Keilwagen from JKI, Stefan Posch and Jan Grau from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

13. February 2017

JKI extends collaboration with Uruguayan partner INIA to soil research and new breeding technologies

The Agriculture Ministers of Germany and Uruguay signed cooperation agreement

UAV-Fachgespräch JKI Februar 2017 - Präsentation Geräte
09. February 2017

Operation of unmanned aerial vehicles for the application of pesticides

Expert discussion from 02 to 03 February 2017

 3x6neueSorten_Pi-Rea-Zuchtklone. Stefanie Hahn/JKI
24. January 2017

JKI at international horticultural fair IPM in Essen

24 - 27 January in Essen, Germany