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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


JKI at international horticultural fair IPM in Essen

24 - 27 January in Essen, Germany

The annual IPM is the “world’s leading trade fair for horticulture”. In 2017, the Julius Kühn Institute  presents  

  • promising apple breeding lines that are at the threshold of becoming newly approved varieties and
  • a market-ready insect trap designed for the biological control of insect vectors transmitting fruit diseases (phytoplasma diseases).

The apple breeder Dr. Andreas Peil from the JKI in Dresden is presenting breeding lines that are close to market launch. Some of the so-called Pi and Rea lines are currently undergoing the official process for plant variety approval. The “newcomers” are expected to satisfy various needs: resistance to diseases, being perfect for juice production, an even ripening and a long shelf-life. However, for consumers it is the taste that matters and visitors to the trade fair are invited to give their opinions on that.

Dr. Jürgen Gross from the JKI in Dossenheim and Cornelia Dippel from the Insect Services GmbH are presenting a new innovative kind of traps to lure insects. The system is designed for mass trapping of vector insects transmitting phytoplasmas, which are causing a wide range of disease symptoms in orchards. The project team has chosen the IPM for the debut presentation of the new trap, for which patent application has been filed.

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