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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


JKI extends collaboration with Uruguayan partner INIA to soil research and new breeding technologies

The Agriculture Ministers of Germany and Uruguay signed cooperation agreement

Uruguay’s President Tabaré Vázquez, accompanied by some of his ministers, has met with German Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt

On 8 February 2017, the German Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt and his Uruguayan colleague Tabaré Aguerre signed an agreement in the presence of State President Tabaré Vazquez.  With this, both sides intend to broaden their scope of cooperation in agriculture by including bioeconomy as a new priority.

On this occasion, the JKI could also further extend its key areas of cooperation with its Uruguayan partner, that are so far innovative technologies, resilient production systems as well as biosafety. The JKI and INIA, the National Agricultural Research Institute in Uruguay, signed two memorandums of understanding to underpin their intent of intensifying collaboration in the fields of soil research and new breeding technologies in ongoing and future projects.

Ongoing collaboration between JKI and INIA:

Project 1: „Improvement of soybean by use of DNA-free Genome Editing“
Contact: Dr. Frank Hartung (JKI-SB) and Dr. Victoria Bonnecarrère (INIA)  

Project 2: „Promoting soil health for designing eco-intensive farming systems“
Contact: Prof. Dr. Kornelia Smalla (JKI-EP) and Dr. Carolina Leoni (INIA)

See also:

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