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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Research project with focus on drift of biocides launched

Biocides are applied to protect humans against pests, fungal infections, alga or bacteria. The JKI-Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection is dealing with the drift of biocides during application for the first time. The applications include disinfectants as well as pesticides and preservatives. The application techniques are diverse and vary from handheld sprayers to knapsack sprayers, high-pressure cleaners, spray cannons, unmanned aerial vehicles and helicopters. In the first place, applications with high drift potential shall be identified. In June 2017, initial trials took place successfully. Drift was measured during the application on a single tree and an alley against the oak procession moth. More trials are planned. Different settings and application techniques will be tested. Aim of the project is to determine characteristic numbers regarding the environmental exposure as well as to evolve possible risk reduction measures. The research project “Drift reduction during spraying/fogging of biocides” is funded by the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt).

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