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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


30. March 2020

JKI becomes core partner of the European Virus Archive Global EVAg

Step by step, plant viruses are now also being added to the digital catalogue, which was previously only focused on human and animal pathogenic viruses. The JKI contributes its collection of viruses that infect cultivated plants. If you are looking for information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the current COVID-19 pandemic, you will…

10. March 2020

Seeds from JKI Fruit Gene Bank deposited in perpetual ice

The repair of the Global Seed Vault near Longyearbyen on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen took two years and cost 20 million dollars. At the reopening ceremony on 25 February, 60,000 new seed samples provided by 29 institutions from all over the world arrived at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Among them, for the first time, were seeds from the…

03. March 2020

Publication on GM maize feeding studies among Springer Nature Highlights 2019

A publication by the EU-project G-TWyST (duration 2014 - 2018) with contributions from JKI experts is among the Springer Nature 2019 Highlights. It became one of the most popular articles and book chapters published last year, and reflecting top research that made an impact:Steinberg, P., van der Voet, H., Goedhart, P.W. et al. Lack of adverse…

Partnerlogos der Forschungsallianz "Towards a chemical pesticide-free Agriculture" © Frank Ordon/JKI
24. February 2020

JKI signed declaration of intent "Towards a Chemical Pesticide-free Agriculture"

Press Release of INRAE published on 23 February 2020: Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides: 24 European Research Institutes Undertake an Ambitious Roadmap A strong demand from public authorities, agriculture professionals, and society in general, all over Europe, has spurred collaborative research in order to accelerate the agroecological…

Plakat Motiv für die Messer Biofach Broccoli. 12. - 15.02.2020
04. February 2020

JKI as exhibitor at Biofach fair in Nuremberg in hall 9-351

19. November 2019

German Agricultural Ministry’s State Secretary Aeikens opens international conference on improving drought stress tolerance organized by the Julius Kühn Institute

Prof. Dr. Frank Ordon (Präsident JKI) am Rednerpult während des Science CIrcle Lecture
15. November 2019

Science Circle Lecture: Combating the challenge of biotic and abiotic stress in food crops by genomics based breeding

The DWIH (German Centre for Research and Innovation) New Delhi along with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in New Delhi organized a Science Circle Lecture with the President of the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) Prof. Dr. Frank Ordon. “Combating the challenge of biotic and abiotic stress in food crops by genomics based breeding”, so the…

Booklet: Workshop JKI-INIA 14.-16.11.2019: Towards a more sustainable Agriculture through managing the Soil Microbiome
15. November 2019

Towards a more sustainable Agriculture through managing the Soil Microbiome

JKI and its Uruguayen partner INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria) organized an international workshop at Montevideo/Uruguay adjacent to the REDBIO conference. From 14-16 November 2019, fifty experts are discussing the role of soil microbiomes in agro-ecosystems for soil and plant health and the potential for development of more…

Die deutsche Delegation des Bundeslandwirtschaftsministeriums (BMEL) mit Ministerin Julia Klöckner (Mitte) und JKI-Präsident Frank Ordon (2.v.l. vorne) zu Besuch am Holeta Agricultural Research Center (HARC) in Äthiopien. © BMEL
15. October 2019

JKI president Ordon and federal minister of agriculture Julia Klöckner visit collaboration project in Ethiopia

During her trip to Ethiopia (9 – 11 October 2019) federal minister of agriculture Julia Klöckner was accompanied by JKI president Prof. Frank Ordon. The German delegation visited a joint research project of the JKI-Institute for Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance in Quedlinburg and the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) in…

Regenwurm im Boden
26. September 2019

JKI contribution published in the weekly News Alert of the European Commission„Science for Environment Policy“

Based on an interdisciplinary publication with JKI contribution in the Journal "Ecological Economics", the European Commission published a summary in the weekly News Alert "Science for Environment Policy". The publication focused on the role earthworms play in affecting aspects of crop health and productivity by lowering toxigenic plant fungi,…