How to make the most of manure? Handbook on good manure management practices online available.
Manure is a valuable resource but also a risk for emissions. It should be managed efficiently to make use of the valuable nutrients and to minimise emissions. The Interreg Baltic Sea Region EU-project “Manure Standards” is aiming to provide farmers, advisors, authorities and policy-makers with enhanced capacity to govern and turn manure use towards…

JKI and Brazilian Amazonas University sign declaration of intent
Last Friday (13 Sept 2019), the Chancellor of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA) Dr. Cleinaldo de Almeida Costa and the JKI-President Prof. Dr. Frank Ordon signed a declaration to mark the two parties’ commitment to cooperation. The signing of this Joint Declaration of Intent between the university based in Manaus in Brazil and the…

International Congress 19. – 20.11.2019 in Berlin: Genetic diversity – The key for improving drought stress tolerance in crops

Delegation of the US-Department of Agriculture visits JKI headquarters
In the afternoon of July 15th a delegation of three agricultural specialists of the US-Department of Agriculture (USDA) visited the JKI in Quedlinburg. On behalf of USDA’s International Production Assessment Division IPAD, located in Washington D.C., Bryan Purcell travels the north-eastern German federal states in order to learn about yield…

African scholarship holders interested in biological plant protection at the JKI in Darmstadt
Visit from Africa to Darmstadt: 27 scholarship holders from eleven African countries visited the Institute for Biological Control in Darmstadt on June 19 to learn about alternative methods of crop protection. With great interest, the guests followed the presentations and guided tours on the diverse research topics on biological crop protection. Of…

JKI hosts German-Brazilian workshop on medicinal plants in Manaus
After a first promising German-Brazilian workshop on medicinal plants, which the JKI and the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA) hosted in Manaus on May 21, a closer cooperation between the University and the JKI is now being sought. In this region, a hot spot of biodiversity, many important medicinal plants still grow wild and are…

Franco-German research initiative on low-pesticide agriculture in Europe
Is pesticide-free agriculture possible? German and French researchers are now working together to answer this question: The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) have launched a unique Europe-wide research initiative together. On…

Visiting scientist at JKI Dossenheim receives travel grant and research prize
Bruna Czarnobai de Jorge, Ph.D. student and visiting scientist at the Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture in Dossenheim, was rewarded twice: The researcher from Brazil was declared N-GAGE Champion for her Ph.D. project. She also receives a travel grant to the IUPAC Next Generation Agri-Summit, which takes place in Ghent,…

Germany’s Julius Kuehn Institute to host the HeDWIC coordination for the next three years
During the next three years, namely until 2021, the coordination team of the globally active Heat and Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium (HeDWIC) will be based at the Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI) in Germany. HeDWIC for short is a programme associated with the international Wheat Initiative (https://www.wheatinitiative.org/). The JKI has been…

Think aloud! JKI scientists contribute to GFFA Science Slam on 18 January 2019
The science slam held on the Green Week opening day is a novelty at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). Altogether five slam presentations are scheduled, two of them given by JKI scientists. Ten minutes – that is the time available to Dr. Anna Kicherer (JKI Institute for Grapevine Breeding) and Jobst Gödeke (JKI Institute for…