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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Publication on GM maize feeding studies among Springer Nature Highlights 2019

A publication by the EU-project G-TWyST (duration 2014 - 2018) with contributions from JKI experts is among the Springer Nature 2019 Highlights. It became one of the most popular articles and book chapters published last year, and reflecting top research that made an impact:

Steinberg, P., van der Voet, H., Goedhart, P.W. et al. Lack of adverse effects in subchronic and chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity studies on the glyphosate-resistant genetically modified maize NK603 in Wistar Han RCC rats. Arch Toxicol 93, 1095–1139 (2019).

The study investigated the toxicological effects of genetically modified (GM) maize (NK603) in feeding studies on rats. It was published in the journal Archives of Toxicology by 32 authors. The Hanover University of Veterinary Medicine and the JKI-Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology coordinated the EU-project with eight partners from six EU countries. The project included two 90-day studies and one combined study on chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity (2 years). The final report and all details are available at the project website

In line with the transparency policy of G-TwYST and of the JKI any interested person has open access to the detailed raw data obtained in the project through the internet portal CADIMA ( Furthermore, the portal provides a most comprehensive open access data pool regarding rat feeding studies with GM maize performed by three projects GRACE/EU, G-TwYST/EU and GMO90+/FR.

GM crops and food are controversly discussed in Europe. Among the contentious topics are health risks estimated by animal feeding studies. The project G-TwYST, funded by the European Commission, examined the scientific value, design and interpretation of rat feeding trials with GM maize NK603 showing a “Lack of adverse effects in subchronic and chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity studies”.

Further information

Final Report Summary G-TwYST

Website EU-project G-TwYST

Press release JKI 12th June 2018 see below: Animal feeding studies add limited value to GM Plant risk assessment

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