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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


14. July 2022

Wheat Initiative launches updated Strategic Research Agenda

Wheat Initiative launched updated Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) on July 5th at the tropical greenhouse of the botanical garden in Berlin.

Mikroskopische Aufnahme einer Kopfsalatwurzel mit Bakterienbesiedlung: Grünfärbung der Salmonellen mit GFP, Salatwurzel mit blau angefärbten Zellkernen (DAPI) und rot gefärbten Zellwänden (mit Propidiumjodid). CLSM-Aufnahme © A. Schikora/JKI
17. June 2022

JKI organizes Indo-German Workshop on Bacterial Communities on Plants and in Soil

in Potsdam from June 20th to 22nd, 2022

Namenszwillige mit Farbunterschied: die Weißwein-Rebsorten Weißer und Roter Riesling. ©JKI/Röckel
09. May 2022

JKI study proves: Red Riesling originated from White Riesling – not vice versa

Berry color locus of the Red Riesling variant located on the chromosome set of the white-berried parent White Heunisch

Geerntete Weizenpflanzen liegen aufgereiht nebeneinander und zeigen von links nach rechts schwächer ausgeprägte Symptome des Weizenverzwergungsvirus. Die Pflanzen ganz rechts sind symptomfrei.
19. April 2022

First resistances against Wheat dwarf virus discovered

Researchers at the Julius Kühn Institute identify 14 gene loci that are promising for breeding new virus-resistant wheat varieties

Portrait Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Kornelia Smalla, Julius Kühn-Institut.
24. November 2021

JKI microbiologist is one of the world's most cited researchers in 2021

The database "Highly Cited Researchers" operated by Clarivate Analytics lists microbiome researcher Prof. Dr. Dr. Kornelia Smalla among the 6,600 most cited researchers worldwide in 2021.

Das Projekt Cropdiva möchte wenig genutzten Kulturen wieder in der Anbaupraxis etablieren.
09. November 2021

CROPDIVA-Project wants six underused arable crops back in European fields

Oats, hulless barley for human consumption, triticale, buckwheat, faba beans and lupins: These crops should in the future grow more often in the fields. That is the goal of the Horizon 2020 project CROPDIVA. 27 European partners from 12 countries joined forces to enhance agrobiodiversity in Europe. They will achieve this by focusing on crop…

Luftaufnahme der FACE-Anlage am JKI-Institut für Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde in Braunschweig. © L. Kottmann/JKI
22. July 2021

A FACE facility is being built at the JKI site in Braunschweig

The abbreviation FACE stands for "Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment" and describes a facility for outdoor experiments in which different carbon dioxide concentrations can be specifically adjusted. Since mid-July (2021) such a facility has been newly set up at the JKI's experimental field in Braunschweig (Brunswick). Concentrations of the…

JKI-Genbank Dresden: Erhaltung von Erdbeersorten und Fragaria-Wildarten. © M.Höfer/JKI
24. February 2021

New EU research project BreedingValue aims to develop new breeding strategies for resilient and nutritious berries

European research partners and breeders are coming together to jointly focus on a better understanding and adaptation of the genetic resources of strawberry, raspberry and blueberry for a sustainable berry production throughout the European Union. Increased demand in berries across Europe meets the challenges brought on by climate change,…

18. November 2020

Morocco joins Wheat Initiative

The Wheat Initiative, which is based at the JKI in Berlin-Dahlem, welcomes Morocco as a new member.

02. September 2020

JKI research on display at informal Council meeting of EU Agriculture Ministers

From 29 August to 1 September 2020, the Agriculture Ministers of the 27 EU member states met in Koblenz for their so-called Informal Meeting under the German EU Council Presidency to discuss current issues of European agricultural and food policy. The main agenda was complemented by a supporting programme on Monday, 31 August, to which Julia…