Sustainable winter oilseed rape production through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system
In NAWIRA, it is foreseen to initially grow 300 test hybrids at different locations under different N levels and two different N fertilization regimes (nitrate- vs. ammonium-emphasized) and use them as a training data set for genomic selection...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14Genetic analysis and modeling of wheat-rust interaction to develop stable, multi-resistant wheat varieties
At 13 locations, 400 observation plots are grown annually. Throughout the project period, results of rust bonitures from multi-site trials are transmitted. In parallel, single-spore inoculations are carried out based on the respective previous...
Term: 2023-09-01 bis 2028-08-31Increased humus reproduction through the cultivation of sorghum in Germany as an active contribution to climate protection
The aim of SORGHUM is the utilization of another C4 plant for plant production in Germany in order to actively contribute to C sequestration in the sense of climate protection through higher humus reproduction and at the same time to substantially...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Safety of RNAi technology in plant protection: Method evaluation for estimating effectivity and potential impacts on target and off-target organisms
“RNAi_safe” pursues a methodological approach to answer open questions about the safe use of RNAi technology in plant protection. The project aims at detecting and evaluating of potential exposure pathways and effects of dsRNA-based plant...
Term: 2022-01-01 bis 2026-02-15Coordination Unit of the CWR Hotspots
With climate change and species loss on the rise, there is a need to conserve the genetic diversity of wild plants important for food and agriculture in their natural habitat. This enables the conservation of traits that are not present in...
Term: 2024-07-17 bis 2031-12-31Rapeseed for organic farming - use of adapted evolutionary bulks to improve resource efficiency and climate adaptation
In the project, subpopulations of evolutionary bulks are to be phenotypically investigated. In particular, the root and shoot architecture characteristics are to provide information and key figures in connection with the overall yield, which will be...
Term: 2025-01-01 bis 2027-12-31Reducing the nitrogen footprint in agriculture through biological nitrification inhibition
Based on the initial crosses BNI donor and the European winter wheat variety plants will be used for BC1 development. After the first backcrossing BC1F1 are cultivated in the speed breeding system. Based on BNI markers and polymorphic background...
Term: 2024-09-01 bis 2028-06-30Harnessing the unexplored Diversity of rye by genome-based Breeding for a climate-resilient grain
The JKI Institute for Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance will lead WP4.5 to establish a haplotype signature and evaluation of quantitative rust-resistance resistance genes. As a contribution to international efforts towards the creation of a...
Term: 2024-11-01 bis 2028-10-31Sorghum – boosting breeding by multilevel modeling
We tackle major grain sorghum production challenges in Germany through sophisticated modeling techniques based on data from 200 test hybrids cultivated per year in 7 strongly contrasting production environments with regard to climate and other...
Term: 2024-12-01 bis 2028-11-30Digitalization-driven development of Saxony-Anhalt into an innovation center for Pea Breeding, Cultivation and Utilization (DiPisum)
The main goal of the DiPisum project is to bundle the existing strengths from the region and to open up innovations from the fields of digitization, genomics, breeding, plant cultivation and food industry for the pea crop of the future in order to...
Term: 2024-04-01 bis 2028-12-31