An integrated set of novel approaches to counter the emergence and proliferation of invasive and virulent soil-borne nematodes - Project part: Fostering nematode suppression in soils by cover crops and addition of biological antagonists in Organic Farming
The overall aim of NEM-EMERGE is to support sustainable food production in the EU and Associated and other third Countries by the development of environmentally-sound, non-GMO solutions that counteract the effect of global warming and genetic host...
Term: 2024-01-01 bis 2027-12-31Increased humus reproduction through the cultivation of sorghum in Germany as an active contribution to climate protection
The aim of SORGHUM is the utilization of another C4 plant for plant production in Germany in order to actively contribute to C sequestration in the sense of climate protection through higher humus reproduction and at the same time to substantially...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Evaluate and effectively utilize climate protection potentials of agroforestry (KlimAF) TP0 JKI-PB
Agroforestry systems and hedgerows can greatly contribute to mitigating GHG emissions in agriculture, as tree strips and hedgerows can store carbon in their biomass and increase soil organic. In addition, these systems improve microclimate, reduce...
Term: 2023-06-02 bis 2026-12-31Genome-based strategies to use the tertiary gene-pool for breeding of climate-smart wheat
The pre-competitive research and prototype demonstration in TERTIUS utilizes the wheat genome sequence as well as knowledge gained from fundamental research on cellular mechanisms of stress response to systematically screen the gene pool of wheat...
Term: 2020-04-01 bis 2025-03-31Pilot farm arable Farmin
The arable pilot farm (“Leitbetrieb Ackerbau”) is a systems trial to investigate strategies for implementing the principles of BMEL’s arable farming strategy under field conditions. The aim of the cultivation system is to achieve stable yields...
Term: 2024-01-01 bis 2029-09-30Exploring the impact of bio-based fertilisers on soil and plants: potentials and risks
The use of bio-based recycled and farm fertilisers is a crucial building block towards a circular economy and makes it possible to recycle nutrients from residual materials and return them to the nutrient cycle. It is not only the nutrients that are...
Term: 2021-02-01 bis 2031-01-31Implementation and development of methods for elemental composition determination of samples using ICP-MS
Since the beginning of 2023, the PB Institute has had a state-of-the-art triple quadrupole ICP-MS for determining the elemental composition of samples. The primary aim is to establish robust methods for routine analysis across all the Institute's...
Term: 2023-07-01 bis 2028-06-01Development of NIRS estimation models in the laboratory and in the field
NIRS databases will be established and crop-specific calibration models developed for the non-invasive and non-destructive determination of dry matter content, fibre fractions (ADF, NDF, ADL) and crude nutrients such as crude ash, crude protein,...
Term: 2024-03-01 bis 2026-03-31Sensor-based digitalisation of field trials
As digitalisation progresses, the use of advanced sensors, such as multi- and hyper-spectral camera systems, is becoming increasingly important. These enable non-invasive data acquisition across different growth stages. In order to study the...
Term: 2024-03-01 bis 2026-03-31FAIR Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems
Existing agricultural research data infrastructures (RDI) are heterogeneous, not yet networked with each other and there is a lack of uniform standards for common research data management (RDM). In addition, research data is often stored in...
Term: 2023-03-01 bis 2027-12-31