

An integrated set of novel approaches to counter the emergence and proliferation of invasive and virulent soil-borne nematodes - Project part: Fostering nematode suppression in soils by cover crops and addition of biological antagonists in Organic Farming


2024-01-01 bis 2027-12-31

Project management

  • Elke, Bloem
  • Sebastian, Kiewnick

Responsible institute

Institut für Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde

Project preparer

  • Elke, Bloem
  • Sebastian, Kiewnick

Cooperation partner

  • Wageningen University, Applied Plant Research
  • Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland (JKI)

Overall objective of the project

The overall aim of NEM-EMERGE is to support sustainable food production in the EU and Associated and other third Countries by the development of environmentally-sound, non-GMO solutions that counteract the effect of global warming and genetic host selection on the proliferation and increased virulence of the two most devastating plant-parasitic nematodes in major food crops. Within the frame of this project part the biological suppression of root-knot nematodes in organic potato production shall be enhanced, namely bya) special intercrops,b) targeted application of glucosinolate-rich plant material,c) the use of natural antagonists.Field trials will be conducted growing potatoes under the natural infection pressure. Additionally, the reproduction and root invasion of nematodes as well as possible priming effects to suppress infection with Meloidogyne chitwoodi shall be analysed in detail in greenhouse trials using soils from the organic fields and targeted infestation with the nematode.


Europäische Union