Detection of virulent populations of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida by hyperspectral signatures.
Detection of nematode infestations in field crops present a major challenge in agriculture. The patchy distribution, in particular of cyst nematodes, reduces the chances of detection, despite a high effort for soil sampling and extraction. The...
Term: 2021-11-01 bis 2025-06-30Comparison of methods to control insect pests and weeds in organic oilseed rape cultivation
OIlseed rape is an important leaf crop in conventional arable crop rotatioons with around 1 million hectares under cultivation in Germany. In contrast, the acreage of organic oilseed rape is less than 5,000 ha. The control of weeds and insect pests ...
Term: 2024-08-01 bis 2025-08-01Influence of insect feeding as a biostimulant on the resistance reaction of potatoes to Synchytrium endobioticum, the causative agent of potato wart disease
In a small research project in collaboration with the company REPLOID, the biostimulatory effect of insect feeding on the resistance of potatoes to potato wart disease is to be investigated. In order to investigate the influence of insect damage on...
Term: 2024-12-01 bis 2025-05-31Investigations on the transmission of Candidatus phytoplasma solani (PHYPSO) and Candidatus arsenophonus phytopathogenicus (ARSEPH) to potatoes and establishment of diagnostic methods for the detection of the pathogens in potatoes and sugar beet
Reports on the increased occurrence of the pathogen Candidatus Phytoplasma solani (PHYPSO, Stolbur for short) and the γ-proteobacterium Candidatus arsenophonus phytopathogenicus (ARSEPH, common name: SBR) on potatoes and sugar beet were published...
Term: 2023-05-01 bis 2025-04-30Data-driven and genome-edited breeding of locally adapted wheat varieties to enhance agricultural biodiversity, sustainable climate resilience, and resource efficiency
The DRIVE project is developing a globally unique data trust platform for breeding. Wheat serves as a model. Curated big data will be analysed to select contrasting genotypes and environments for their genotype-environment interactions. The data...
Term: 2024-11-01 bis 2028-10-31BiodivKI-2: Measuring biodiversity factors with intelligent acoustic sensors (BioIntAkt) - Evaluation of the potential of acoustic sensors for insect monitoring
The development of an overall system based on a sensor and an AI model for the identification of sounds emitted by insects makes it possible to monizor the abundance and populations of indicator species relevant to biodiversity. Thus, a deeper...
Term: 2025-01-01 bis 2027-12-31Virulence of PCN-populations used for testing of potato varieties to assess resistance
This project aims to compare resistance testing within the EU to ensure that current and future test results can be transferred to field populations. For this purpose, an inventory of standard reference populations is created. Detailed protocols...
Term: 2024-04-01 bis 2027-03-31Investigations on the biology and the damage potential of the winter stem weevil in winter oilseed rape
As part of the project, experiments will be carried out over three growing seasons under controlled conditions in the laboratory / semi-open field and in the field to investigate the biology of the winter stem weeevil, Ceutorhynchus picitarsis. The...
Term: 2024-06-01 bis 2027-05-31Effectiveness of methods to minimise return of weed seeds into the soil
Due to political and social demands for a reduction in using plant protection products and the ongoing development of herbicide resistance in important weeds, such as blackgrass and ryegrass, innovative methods for non-chemical weed control will...
Term: 2023-09-11 bis 2025-07-31FAIR-Fields - A Digital Research Environment
To address the research questions, a sample crop rotation sequence consisting of three rotation elements (silage maize vs. field bean/winter wheat/winter wheat) will be set up, which factorially takes into account the parameters i) preceding crop,...
Term: 2022-07-01 bis 2025-06-30