Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland
OIlseed rape is an important leaf crop in conventional arable crop rotatioons with around 1 million hectares under cultivation in Germany. In contrast, the acreage of organic oilseed rape is less than 5,000 ha. The control of weeds and insect pests poses a major challenge here. Also an early supply of N at the start of vegetation is an important factor for the success of cultivation. A randomised block trial was therefore set up on the JKI's field site in Ahlum (Wolfenbüttel) in autumn 2024. Various cultivation methods/factors are to be investigated with regard to juvenile development, pest infestation, weed infestation, N availability and ultimately yield. The treatments in the trial are: 1) normal sowing without seed treatment (60 plants/m²), 2) normal sowing + compagnion planting of legumes, 3) oilseed rape high density (120 plants / m²), 4) and 5) oilseed rape and seed dressings with biostimulants and sulphur and 6) oilseed rape at 45 cm row width plus mechanical weeding. The treatments differ in terms of soil cover, N fixation/mobilisation and thus the expected individual plant growth. The aim is to optimise crop management in organic oilseed rape cultivation and thus reduce the cultivation risk of this crop in organic farming.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture