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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


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Inhalt: Information Centre and Library

Two functions are closely interwoven in the JKI Information Centre and Library. On the one hand, it supports the scientists of the Julius Kühn Institute with a competent information acquisition. On the other hand, it provides platforms for public access to the scientific achievements of the Julius Kühn Institute.

Directed inwards, it supports the scientists of the Julius Kühn Institute with a competent information acquisition:

  • Library services
  • Support in information retrieval
  • Quick access to catalogues, databases, etc.

Directed outwards, it provides platforms for public access to the scientific achievements of the Julius Kühn Institute:

  • Documentation of the publications of JKI scientists
  • Publication and editorship of scientific journals

Our four libraries are reference libraries with a collection emphasis on cultivated plants and its associated sciences.  The collections cover our core areas of research and comprise 370,000 monographs and printed journal volumes. At present, articles in more than 9,000 journals are available electronically.

Main contact:

Dr. Anja  Hühnlein
Dr. Anja Hühnlein
Julius Kühn-Institut Information Centre and Library Erwin-Baur-Str. 27 06484 Quedlinburg
Dr. Heike  Riegler
Dr. Heike Riegler
Julius Kühn-Institut Information Centre and Library Erwin-Baur-Str. 27 06484 Quedlinburg