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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


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Inhalt: Publishing and editorship

Our services include publishing as a key topic.

Recording JKI publications

We are in charge of the documentation of JKI scientists’ publications in OpenAgrar. OpenAgrar is the collective repository of research institutions affiliated with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany.

JKI journals

We are editors of various open access journals, e.g. Journal für Kulturpflanzen / Journal of Cultivated Plants, the Julius-Kühn-Archiv or the JKI dissertation series. For others – e.g. VITIS - Journal of Grapevine Research and for the Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality - we help manage the review and open access workflow through our open journal system.

For more details on our open access publications, go directly to the JKI Open Journal System (OJS):  JKI Open Journal System (OJS)

Counselling on all matters relating to publishing

We provide expert advice to JKI staff on all issues of scientific publishing – from finding the right journal for my article to open access,  from copyright to making posters, oral papers or videos quotable.

Last but not least, we support JKI scientists by managing a central fund for article processing charges .

Contact JKI journals

Dr. Anja Hühnlein
Dr. Heike Riegler

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