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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Inhalt: Press Releases of the Julius Kühn Institute

JKI Press Releases are usually written in German. If you change to our German website (DE), you will find more current press releases.  Furthermore, all JKI press releases (since 2008) are accessible through the idw scientific information service.

Pelargonium × hortorum ’Mr. Wren‘ (photo: S. Plaschil/JKI)
14. November 2019

Julius Kühn-Institute coordinates the Subnetwork Pelargonium belonging to the German Gene Bank for Ornamental Plants

Since October 2019, the Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI) in Quedlinburg coordinates the Subnetwork (TNW) Pelargonium of the Gene Bank for Vegetatively Propagated Plants belonging to the German Gene Bank for Ornamental Plants (DGZ). The German Federal Plant Variety Office (BSA) is responsible for the overall coordination of the particular subnetworks of…

Vergleich von Roggen-Saat-Eltern mit langen und mit kurzen Halmen © B. Hackauf/JKI
24. September 2019

A "short" revolution in rye fields: enhancing yield and drought tolerance with semi-dwarfs

Researchers of the JKI are part of an international consortium that aims to make this small grain cereal more attractive for farmers and fit for the challenges of climate change as well. A current study delivers precisions tools for using the dominant dwarfing gene Ddw1 in rye breeding and conveys new insights into its mode of action.

Cassava-Züchter aus Afrika zu Besuch im Cassava-Gewächshaus am JKI in Braunschweig. (© Johannes Kaufmann/JKI)
20. June 2019

Plant virus threatening African staple food

20 June 2019 - Joint Press Release DSMZ and JKI

29. May 2019

Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and Brazil's EMBRAPA sign "Declaration of Intent" to forge transnational research alliance in the bioeconomy sector

At the GreenRio trade fair, the German Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants and its counterpart in Brazil, EMBRAPA, decided to cooperate in future on research issues in the field of bioeconomics.

12. November 2018

The dawn of a new era for genebanks

An international research consortium characterised a world genebank-collection of barley at the molecular level comprising seed samples from more than 22,000 varieties. In their study published in Nature Genetics (DOI: 10.1038/s41588-018-0266-x) the scientists propose a new era for genebanks transforming them from museums of past crop diversity…

12. June 2018

Animal feeding studies add limited value to GM Plant risk assessment

Genetically modified (GM) crops and food have aroused controversy in Europe. Among the contentious points is the apparently conflicting evidence on health risks from animal feeding studies: the variability in evidence may often be attributed to methodological inadequacies in some small-scale studies. The latest, most comprehensive research, funded…

Logo Wheat Initiative
20. March 2018

The Wheat Initiative, set up by the G20 Agriculture Ministers to coordinate global wheat research, moves its headquarters to Berlin

Common Press Release Julius Kühn Institute & WHEAT INITIATIVE

Nemanja Kuzmanovic (Alexander von Humboldt-Stipendiat)
16. March 2017

Research fellow from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation opted for Julius Kühn Institute (JKI)

JKI host of postdoctoral researcher receiving a Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Logo: Deutschland ist Land des Jahres auf BioFach 2017
13. February 2017

Julius Kühn Institute selected as one of 40 stations for „Germany, country of the year – building an organic future“

BIOFACH, 15 - 18 February 2017, Nuremberg

05. October 2016

PI Nr. 21: Farmers could profit in the future from satellite pictures

Announcing the start of the joint research project AGRO-DE coordinated by the Julius Kühn Institute