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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Main content: Julius Kühn Institute selected as one of 40 stations for „Germany, country of the year – building an organic future“

BIOFACH, 15 - 18 February 2017, Nuremberg

For many years, JKI scientists have been presenting their research in the field of ecological farming at the BIOFACH fair at Nuremberg. In 2017, the JKI is one out of 40 stations that have been chosen for the presentation „Country of the year“, as they stand for innovation and responsibility in the field of ecological farming.  

The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is exhibitor at BIOFACH, “the world’s leading trade fair for organic food”, where more than 2,300 exhibitors are expected.  You will find our scientists in hall 9, at the stand of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (booth no 351), presenting current research results and projects in the field of organic farming. This year, the spotlight is on detrimental effects of nematodes in organic farming. Other topics are the protection of stored products under the climate conditions in developing countries and insect-proof packaging.  

Experts from the JKI are also invited speakers at the BIOFACH Congress. On 16 February, their presentations on nematode problems in organic farming as well as stored product protection will take place from 11 to 12 a.m. in Room Riga NCC East.  

Visit the JKI at BIOFACH in hall 9/booth no 351 from 15 to 18 February.


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