The Institute
The main tasks of the Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection (ÖPV) in Berlin, comprises both, research projects and statutory responsibilities.
Research: The aim of our work is to protect the agroecosystem as well as the crops and plant products that are produced in it. Therefore, we analyse the behaviour of substances introduced by humans (e.g. plant protection products) and the effects of agricultural management on soil, water and biodiversity. We investigate the diversity of plant constituents (metabolomic diversity) and their changes due to the adaptation of plants to changing environmental conditions. We make these results available to breeding research for the development of varieties with increased resistance and for better defence against pests. We determine the functions of biologically active natural substances that interact with organisms within agroecosystems. We use the knowledge gained for the development of sustainable crop production systems (e.g. crop rotation, mixed cropping, flowering and diversity strips, agroforestry) and for biological plant protection. As a specialty of the institute, we develop new strategies for the protection of stored products from harmful insects and to avoid, early detect and control them.
Evaluate: In the process of assessment of plant protection products, we evaluate the effects of their application on beneficial insects such as predatory mites, ladybirds and parasitoids based on the submitted research studies. For the German market, a labelling of these products according to their harmlessness to predatory insects is proposed. The institute evaluates the range of efficacy, resistance risks and plant compatibilities of plant protection products and their active ingredients for application in stored product protection.
Policy Advise: Our contribution to the National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (NAP) focuses on non-chemical pest control methods, improvement of stored product protection managements, and protection of small ponds. We use research results and results of ecotoxicological and efficacy assessments to provide policy advices. In addition, we publish our findings and recommendations in international science journals and public web portals.

Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI)-Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection
Königin-Luise-Straße 19
14195 Berlin, Germany
Head of Institute: Dr. Andrea Krähmer
Ms Catharina Blank / Ms Vera Frimel
Tel: +49(0)30 8304-25 01/-2511
Fax: +49(0)30 8304-2503
oepv@ julius-kuehn. de