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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

Inhalt: Stored Product Protection: Reducing Post-Harvest Losses

For the safety, security and quality of our food, stored product protection is of great worldwide importance.  Our institute is a national leader in research on stored product protection and the improvement of storage conditions in emerging and developing countries. Especially in these regions, infestations already occurs in the field and subsequent increase of pests during storage lead to considerable crop losses. Therefore, the focus of our research is to establish methods for the prevention, early detection, and environmentally friendly control of insect pests on stored products. Here, the transfer of knowledge from research to practice plays a central role, which we achieve through cooperation with farmers, trading and processing companies.

Preventive and Non-Chemical Stored Product Protection

To prevent pest infestation of plant products, we investigate methods for pest-proof storage. This includes designing appropriate storage and processing rooms, including appropriate cooling and the optimisation of packaging materials (e.g., hermetic and protective gas and vacuum packaging). We also investigate storage potentials under low-oxygen atmospheres with nitrogen and carbon gases. In addition, we analyse the effects of plant constituents as signalling substances on repelling pests and explore the use of beneficial organisms to develop strategies for biological and biologically-based stored product protection.

Early Detection and Monitoring

We develop and investigate acoustic, optical and olfactory sensor systems for early detection and monitoring of stored product pests.  Our analyses, identifications, and activity tests of natural volatile compounds of plants, stored products and insects (semiochemicals) are used for the development of suitable attractant formulations, scent baits and trap systems for monitoring and repelling stored product pests. As a result of climate change, we expect new pests and increased crop infestations already in the field. These potential threats must be recognised at an early stage through efficient monitoring. For this purpose, we develop and evaluate appropriate concepts and methods.

Evaluation of Efficacy in the Approval Procedure

Our institute is responsible for the scientific evaluation of plant protection products for the protection of stored products within the national framework of their market authorisation. In addition to the biological efficacy against pests, this also includes evaluating the effects on plant product qualities and their processing. We assess the resistance risk and propose appropriate management measures. As part of the comparative evaluation, we carry out benefit-and-risk assessments for alternative methods and plant protection products.