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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

Inhalt: Phytochemistry: Analysis and Diversity of Plant Substances

In the field of plant analysis/phytochemistry we investigate the diversity of low-molecular substances (metabolites) in wild and cultivated plants to make them available to sustainable agriculture. Using modern non-targeted and targeted analytical methods, we identify and quantify resistance- and quality-determining as well as bioactive substances. We investigate the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the metabolic profile of plant tissues and organs and identify (and map) metabolomics markers for the responsible traits. These findings are incorporated into plant breeding and the development of alternative plant protection concepts and serve to understand chemical-ecological interactions between plants – pests and beneficial organisms in the agroecosystem. To this end, we are developing new analytical methods and non-destructive measurement procedures.

Metabolite Diversity of Plant Genetic Resources

Plant genetic resources offer a large number of hitherto unexploited metabolites with a high potential for breeding, plant protection and bioeconomy. The primary goal of screening plant diversity is to elucidate the structure, composition and abundance of biologically active plant metabolites and to relate them to genetic background, resistance and quality properties and make them available for bioeconomical use.

Marker Identification and Analytical Method Development

We use phenotype-metabolome correlation studies to identify putatively active compounds (markers). We investigate the bioactivity of chemical markers in various test systems on harmful organisms of plants for the development of sustainable plant protection concepts. Within the framework of genome-wide association studies and QTL analyses with our cooperation partners, we clarify the genetic basis of bioactive substances.

For the analysis of metabolites, we use analytical platforms based on gas and liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry and non-destructive vibrational spectroscopy and develop efficient methods for screening larger plant populations. For the resulting extensive quantitative data sets, we develop methods for statistical evaluation. We develop innovative sampling techniques for measuring volatile signalling substances in plant populations.