Manure is a valuable resource but also a risk for emissions. It should be managed efficiently to make use of the valuable nutrients and to minimise emissions. The Interreg Baltic Sea Region EU-project “Manure Standards” is aiming to provide farmers, advisors, authorities and policy-makers with enhanced capacity to govern and turn manure use towards improved sustainability and resource-efficiency. Now a small but smart handbook has been published with the participation of the JKI to inform about good manure management practices with the aim to replace mineral fertiliser by organic manure and about the proper way of its use.
Download link to handbook "How to make the most of manure?"
Achieving the aim of "Manure Standards", i.e. to produce joint Baltic guidelines for manure data collection and its use, would not be possible without cooperation between all Baltic countries. This is why the project consortium has 19 partners of 9 states bordering the Baltic Sea representing research, advisors, farmers, authorities and transnational cooperation. The Julius Kühn Institute is the only German partner in this promising project.
All reports and publications of Manure Standards research and development work: