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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Im Bild zu sehen: Hanfpflanzen mit charakteristisch, gezackt, fedrigen Blättern vor dramatisch, dunklem Himmel. Blick geht leicht nach oben.
05. December 2023

JKI and Uruguay intensify their cooperation in fibre hemp

Both sides met from 22 to 24 November to prepare a joint project.

23. November 2023

AHEAD program meets in-person for the first time

[Direct link to press release] The Alliance for Wheat Adaption to Heat and Drought (AHEAD) discussed the effects of climate change on wheat production in Morocco. The Global Office of AHEAD is based at the JKI.

Arabidopsis-Pflanze als Modellorganismus.
22. November 2023

How plants cope with stress: New signal-pathway in Nature Communications described

[Direct link to paper] Researchers from JKI and Technical University Brunswick discover that GAS2-gene encodes for an enzyme involved in the abscisic acid (ABA) catabolism.

06. September 2023

JKI cooperates more closely with Brazilian partners in bioeconomy

JKI research in agroforestry systems and soil microbiomes attracts great interest at the Green Rio bioeconomy trade fair.

Portrait of the scientist taken in the greenhouse
01. June 2023

Benjamin Stich is the new head of institute

On 1 June, he took over as head of the JKI Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops.

26. May 2023

Journal of Cultivated Plants: new issue "Spray drift and exposition"

This issue is about the data on which the risk assessment for plant protection products is based. Are the methods used to collect the data really close to reality? Who is doing it in the first place?

15. March 2023

JKI signs Letter of Intent to intensify cooperation with AGROSAVIA

JKI President Ordon accompanies Federal Minister Özdemir to Brazil and Colombia.

13. March 2023

International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques is co-hosted by the JKI

from March 14 to 16 in Berlin

Dr. Gwendolin Wehner vom Institut für Resistenzforschung und Stresstoleranz erklärt dem Videojournalisten Pierre Girard ihre Forschung zur Resistenzsteigerung beim Weizen. © Patryk Puchalski
23. January 2023

A Field Trip to the wheat crop of tomorrow

A short film on resistance breeding at JKI and its contribution to reducing pesticides in cereal cultivation

Überblick Messehalle IPM. Quelle Foto: IPM Essen
12. January 2023

JKI shows peat substitutes at horticultural fair IPM Essen