Use of extremophile Helianthus species to improve sunflower resilience and ecosystem services
Based on the evaluation of climate-adapted wild relatives, HelEx will develop climate-resistant sunflower lines that reduce the EU's dependence on imported vegetable oils and proteins by switching to sustainable alternatives, mitigate the impact of...
Term: 2023-05-01 bis 2027-04-30Greenhouse gas reduction through innovative breeding advances in alternative plant protein sources.
The focus of this project is on indigenous crops as an alternative to proteins (milk and meat) from animals. The aim is to analyze the market-relevant as well as socio-economic impact of an increase in plant-based protein drinks (oat/soy milk) as...
Term: 2022-11-01 bis 2025-10-31Network for Evidence Synthesis in The Agri-Food Sector
The objectives of this COST action are to raise awareness among decision-makers and academia about the value of evidence synthesis approaches; to enhance the European capacity for delivery of robust evidence syntheses; and to facilitate their use...
Term: 2025-01-01 bis 2028-09-30Two-site experiments to optimize sowing and harvesting times of Taraxacum koksaghyz
Temporally spread sowings of Taraxacum koksaghyz are planted in parallel in Quedlinburg and Groß Lüsewitz and sampled monthly. Data on biomass and rubber and sugar contents are determined. The aim is to provide a decision-making aid for...
Term: 2022-08-01 bis 2025-12-31An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30New medicinal plants and active ingredients from Saxony-Anhalt
New value chains are to be established in Saxony-Anhalt with the help of medicinal and aromatic plants from the mint family. Growers should be able to benefit from new, drought-resistant crops and expand their crop spectrum. In addition to the usual...
Term: 2024-04-01 bis 2028-12-31Determination of ploidy in Taraxacum
In Taraxacum, the ploidy level can increase spontaneously. Knowledge of the ploidy level is essential for successful cross-breeding. Therefore, in the case of Taraxacum acsessions and artificial hybrids, the ploidy level should be determined using...
Term: 2023-06-01 bis 2026-05-31Evaluate and effectively utilize climate protection potentials of agroforestry
Agroforestry systems and hedgerows can greatly contribute to mitigating GHG emissions in agriculture, as tree strips and hedgerows can store carbon in their biomass and increase soil organic. In addition, these systems improve microclimate, reduce...
Term: 2023-06-02 bis 2026-06-30Breeding, cultivation and utilization of Russian dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz) - further development of a wild plant into a renewable industrial raw material - breeding methods and characterization of interspecific hybrids
n order to achieve the goals, existing breeding material should be further developed within the framework of breeding, but existing breeding tools should also be used and new tools developed. The focus here is on promising hybrid hybrid plants of...
Term: 2023-05-01 bis 2026-04-30Identification, characterization and assessment of susceptibility genes as source of resistance to Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) in tomato plants
Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) is a new tobamovirus that infects tomato and bell pepper plants around the world and can lead to significant losses in tomato production. ToBRFV has overcome the resistance used in commercial breeding for...
Term: 2024-07-01 bis 2027-06-30