Junior research group medicinal plants – practical research for competitiveness consolidation of German medicinal plants growing and support of academic junior staff (NWG Arzneipflanzen)
The "Junior Research Group Medicinal Plants - Practice-oriented Research for Consolidating the Competitiveness of German Medicinal Plant Cultivation and Promoting Young Academics (NWG Medicinal Plants)" was established at the Julius Kühn Institute...
Term: 2020-02-01 bis 2025-05-31Regulation of fungus gnats in organic production of potted plants - Innovative approaches for the estimation of attractiveness of growing media to fungus gnats and for the development of comprehensive strategies for their control by beneficial organisms
Fungus gnats can be a significant problem in organic cultivation of potted plants. Due to a high percentage of peat substitutes and organic fertilization, growing media used in organic production are very attractive for fungus gnats and encourage...
Term: 2021-10-15 bis 2025-07-31Phytophtora-Identification in irrigation water
Term: 2020-12-01 bis 2025-12-31Junior research group medicinal plants – practical research for competitiveness consolidation of German medicinal plants growing and support of academic junior staff (NWG Arzneipflanzen)
The "Junior Research Group Medicinal Plants - Practice-oriented Research for Consolidating the Competitiveness of German Medicinal Plant Cultivation and Promoting Young Academics (NWG Medicinal Plants)" was established at the Julius Kühn Institute...
Term: 2020-02-01 bis 2025-05-31NWG AP4 - Alternative applications and biobased plant protection of medicinal and aromatic plants
The aim of sub-project 4 within the "Junior Research Group Medicinal Plants - Practice-oriented Research to Strengthen the Competitiveness of German Medicinal Plant Cultivation and Promotion of Young Scientists (NWG Medicinal Plants)" is to evaluate...
Term: 2020-02-01 bis 2025-05-31Status Report Biological Plant Protection
By surveying the plant protection services and the manufacturers or distributors of biological plant protection products and using other available sources, the extent of the use of biological plant protection processes in Germany is estimated. The...
Term: 2015-10-01 bis 2025-12-31Risk assessment of the effects of plant protection products on beneficial organisms, issuing of labelling proposals within the framework of registration
In the national approval procedure for plant protection products, the JKI is the consulting authority for, among other things, the assessment of the effects on beneficial arthropods (PflSchG §57, paragraph 9). On the basis of the studies submitted...
Term: 2016-01-01 bis 2027-12-31Implementation of the requirements of the National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products in relation to minor uses
Beginning in 2016, compliance with the National Action Plan Plant Protection requirements related to minor uses was recorded and evaluated. The initial status for 2016 was documented for the public in a publication in the 2018 in ‘Journal für...
Term: 2014-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Offering of a database for non-chemical methods in plant protection for free
Aim: Offering of online database containing information on alternatives for applying plant protection products for free. Characterization: With the database ALPS-JKI, the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants contributes to promoting...
Term: 2008-01-01 bis 2027-09-30