

Offering of a database for non-chemical methods in plant protection for free


2008-01-01 bis 2027-09-30

Project management

  • Petra, Seidel

Responsible institute

Institut für Strategien und Folgenabschätzung

Project preparer

  • Petra, Seidel

Cooperation partner

  • Zentrale Datenverarbeitung (JKI)
  • Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und Forst (JKI)
  • Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz (JKI)

Overall objective of the project

Aim: Offering of online database containing information on alternatives for applying plant protection products for free. Characterization: With the database ALPS-JKI, the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants contributes to promoting integrated pest management and to the necessary extent of applying plant protection products in crop farms for free. This database offers a comfortable way of searching for combinations of crops and pests, possible specific measures, and for key words. Running free text search is also possible. The free text search, in particular, has a great potential for random queries. Web front end and layout allow intuitive navigation. Scientists have permanently improved and updated the database. The ALPS-JKI data base contains nearly 16,000 data sets (a data set = a combination of crop + plant pest + plant protection measure) and informes you about 705 plants, 2427 plant pests (=insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, mammals, weeds) and 126 plant protection measures. All this information is based on 2925 publications. The editorial deadline was the 15th June 2015. The information provided by ALPS-JKI can also be used in organic farming, with some adaptation if necessary.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture