Sustainable winter oilseed rape production through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system
In NAWIRA, it is foreseen to initially grow 300 test hybrids at different locations under different N levels and two different N fertilization regimes (nitrate- vs. ammonium-emphasized) and use them as a training data set for genomic selection...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14An integrated set of novel approaches to counter the emergence and proliferation of invasive and virulent soil-borne nematodes - Project part: Fostering nematode suppression in soils by cover crops and addition of biological antagonists in Organic Farming
The overall aim of NEM-EMERGE is to support sustainable food production in the EU and Associated and other third Countries by the development of environmentally-sound, non-GMO solutions that counteract the effect of global warming and genetic host...
Term: 2024-01-01 bis 2027-12-31Genetic analysis and modeling of wheat-rust interaction to develop stable, multi-resistant wheat varieties
At 13 locations, 400 observation plots are grown annually. Throughout the project period, results of rust bonitures from multi-site trials are transmitted. In parallel, single-spore inoculations are carried out based on the respective previous...
Term: 2023-09-01 bis 2028-08-31A farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany
In MonViA, the Julius Kühn-Institute develops in close co-operation with the Thünen-Institute and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food a broad-based farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany. The joint project consists of three main...
Term: 2019-01-01 bis 2025-12-31FAIR-Fields -A Digital Research Environment
The aim of the project is to investigate the genotype, environment and management interactions (GxExM) with regard to the factors of varietal resistance, weed suppression, drought tolerance and yield of winter wheat (WW) and to evaluate preceding...
Term: 2022-08-01 bis 2025-06-30Safety of RNAi technology in plant protection: Method evaluation for estimating effectivity and potential impacts on target and off-target organisms
“RNAi_safe” pursues a methodological approach to answer open questions about the safe use of RNAi technology in plant protection. The project aims at detecting and evaluating of potential exposure pathways and effects of dsRNA-based plant...
Term: 2022-01-01 bis 2026-02-15Studies on the Use of Aircraft in Crop Protection
Conducting drift measurements according to an internationally coordinated measurement protocol to generate drift benchmark values for the use of plant protection products and, if applicable, biocides with aircraft (drone and helicopter). Developing...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2029-12-31FAIR-Fields - A Digital Research Environment
To address the research questions, a sample crop rotation sequence consisting of three rotation elements (silage maize vs. field bean/winter wheat/winter wheat) will be set up, which factorially takes into account the parameters i) preceding crop,...
Term: 2022-07-01 bis 2025-06-30National Reference Laboratory at the JKI, institute AG (AGQN)
Performing reference functions as a national reference laboratory in the area of quarantine nematology, including carrying out confirmation diagnosis on behalf of the plant protection services; laboratory accreditation; participation in and...
Term: 2022-04-17 bis 2025-12-31An integrated set of novel approaches to counter the emergence and proliferation of invasive and virulent soil-borne nematodes - Project part: Fostering nematode suppression in soils by cover crops and addition of biological antagonists in Organic Farming
The overall aim of NEM-EMERGE is to support sustainable food production in the EU and Associated and other third Countries by the development of environmentally-sound, non-GMO solutions that counteract the effect of global warming and genetic host...
Term: 2024-01-01 bis 2027-12-31