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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops

Inhalt: Breeding Research

Developing methods and procedures for breeding research to uncover the genetic basis underpinning various traits. We make selection decisions that accelerate the development of new cultivars based on this knowledge.

We develop new methods for characterizing and evaluating starting material and for selecting new cultivars. With the help of these methods, we identify genes and genomic regions that are responsible for important fruit-growing and consumer-relevant characteristics. Modern biotechnological processes help us to elucidate the function of these genes and their levels of expression (alleles). We use the resulting knowledge to develop molecular markers that help our breeders to

  • Select suitable parents and to search for promising gene combinations in the offspring
  • Evaluate the benefits and potential risks that may arise from the use of individual gene variants in the breeding process
  • Effectively and efficiently assess the properties of genetic resources of our fruit genebank

To achieve the above, we use

  • Resistance/susceptibility evaluation procedures in the field, greenhouse and laboratory
  • Phenotypic data of  genetic resources and breeding material
  • Genetic fingerprints and phylogenetic distance analyses
  • Methods for genetic mapping of gene and genomic regions (quantitative trait locus – QTL analyses, and genome-wide associations studies – GWAS)
  • Methods for analyzing the transcriptional activities of genes
  • Methods for detecting translation and enzymatic activities
  • Procedures to elucidate gene function in planta.

See also field