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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

Inhalt: Risk Assessment and Impact Assessment of biotechnological Methods

Inhalt: in Plant Production

The cultivation and placing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the market are strictly regulated in the EU and Germany. Under European law, whether GMOs – at present particularly plants - can be released for experimental purposes or approved for cultivation and/or use as food and feed is linked to a detailed assessment of the potential risks to humans and the environment. The JKI, as one federal authority issuing scientific opinions, examines the applications for approval (scientific dossiers) within this framework. [LINK ZUR SEITE "Genetic engineering and risk assessment"]. In addition, staff members of the Institute are active in various national and international advisory bodies on genetic engineering (e.g. OECD).

Evaluation and management of new methods in plant biotechnology

Plant biotechnology is constantly developing. Which fields of application are possible and whether new risks are associated with new methods are monitored and evaluated at the Institute. We also develop concepts and methods to identify and manage any risks and impacts (monitoring, coexistence). Various results of the Institute have been implemented into the European legal framework on genetic engineering ("monitoring questionnaires for farmers", measures on coexistence and good professional practice in the cultivation of genetically modified plants).