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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Inhalt: Reconciliation of work and family life

The JKI promotes solutions to reconcile work, family and private life. Where possible, we offer flexible working time models, several part-time models or the possibility of remote work.  We also cooperate with  social counselling services to support our staff  in exceptional situations.

Since 2021, the JKI has been holding the audit berufundfamilie certificate (audit work and family). The certificate is a quality seal of the non-profit German "berufundfamilie Service GmbH" and confirms our efforts to align our HR policies with family and life-conscious awareness. The "audit berufundfamilie" certificate is awarded for a period of three years, re-audits are possible.

Questions concerning the reconciliation of work and family life at the JKI can be sent to berufundfamilie@  julius-kuehn.  de