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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Inhalt: Promoting young scientists

Within the framework of research projects, the institutes of the JKI employ many young researchers who are working on their master's or doctoral theses under the supervision of a university and the scientists on site.

At the JKI, we want to support young scientists and prepare them in the best possible way for a career in research or applied science in business enterprises.

Young Scientists' Meeting

The Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) is an annual conference organized for and by young scientists at the Julius Kühn Institute. The YSM helps young researchers to share their knowledge with fellow scientists and to practise and perfect their skills in presenting scientific results. Furthermore, it offers the opportunity to get to know the young scientists at the other JKI sites, to gain insights into the work of the other JKI institutes and to actively network.

Seminars and workshops

In internal workshops and seminars, basic knowledge and skills for everyday scientific life are taught. For example, the YSM seminar, which takes place once a year, offers the opportunity to learn how to prepare project proposals, write scientific articles, use biostatistical methods or communicate results to the public.

Publishing dissertations

The final milestone in the life of a doctoral student is the awarding of the doctorate. The printing and publication of the dissertation is organised by the JKI library via the Dissertationen aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut book series.