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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics

Inhalt: Vertebrate Research

Vertebrates are important components of agro-ecosystems, forests and urban areas. We study the ecology, distribution and functional relevance of vertebrate populations. We consider their interaction with humans and relevant elements of the environment incl. other vertebrate species and man-made systems.

On one hand, vertebrates can cause considerable damage to crops such as common voles during outbreaks that require suitable management action. On the other hand, the use of plant protection products can lead to exposure of non-target rodents (e.g. hamster, wood mouse, garden dormouse) and rodent management may pose a risk to non-target taxa. We pursue both avoiding damage and protecting non-target species from unwanted effects. We focus on rodents.

Measures to regulate populations are necessary if they damage crops, stored goods like grain, buildings, cables etc. or if there is a risk for the health of humans or livestock because of the potential transmission of zoonotic pathogens. Damage can lead to massive loss of crops and stored goods in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, fruit and vegetable growing.
We quest for ecologically safe and economically sensible management strategies that keep damage at an acceptable level and minimize unwanted effects of management on non-target rodents and other taxa.
We consider biological, mechanical and chemical measures, take into account environmental variation, for example climate, and land use. We develop forecast models for the prediction of outbreaks of relevant rodents.
Our involvement in national and international committees is essential for scientific exchange.

Scientists working in this field