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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Bee Protection

Inhalt: Impact of Plant Protection Products on Bees

Our ecotoxicological bee research works independently on specific and general topics related to bee protection. The focus is on potential risks that may arise, for example, from systemic insecticides or foliar spraying with various plant protection products. In addition, the institute improves existing plant protection product testing and evaluation methods and develops new ones. An important aspect is their implementation in internationally valid guidelines for bee testing.

The main focus of ecotoxicological research is on organism-specific questions derived from risk assessment or the investigation of bee losses with suspected poisoning by plant protection products, such as:

  • Comparative studies on the effects of chemical and biological active ingredient residues in e.g. nectar and pollen and contact exposure on honeybees, bumblebees and other wild bees.
  • Studies on the effects of pesticides on bees, taking into account the combination effects of different stressors (e.g. pesticides, food availability, bee diseases).
  • Model experiments and preliminary research on residue analytical questions such as stability of selected pesticide active ingredients.

More information on current research-projects here