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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Bee Protection

Inhalt: Plant Protection Product and Active Ingredient Evaluation | Bee Hazard

Our duties assigned by German Federal legislation include participation in the national and zonal approval procedure for plant protection products, including the EU active ingredient evaluation.

The Institute for Bee Protection undertakes the technical assessment of possible risks for honey bees and other commercially relevant pollinators and represents them in national and international committees. The assessment is based on the studies and documents submitted by the applicant. The result of this scientific evaluation is directly incorporated into the approval procedure of Plant protection Products. It represents a cornerstone for the overall evaluation by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).

We evaluate the submitted studies and provide the BVL with a recommendation for each plant protection product tested, including appropriate measures for bee-safe application of the plant protection product. These so-called risk mitigation measures include, for example, applications after the daily bee flight or applications of the plant protection product outside the flowering of bee-attractive crops.

Legal regulation: § 41 (3) point 2 of the Plant Protection Act (PflSchG)