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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection

Inhalt: Drift and Risk Reduction

During spraying plant protection products can drift to non-target areas. Drift cannot be avoided completely but has to be minimized to prevent pollution of the natural environment as well as residents and bystanders. This can be achieved by several technical approaches like special nozzle techniques or novel plant protection equipments, which are advanced continuously.

Establishing reference values for the registration of plant production products

Based on an extensive amount of data the JKI defined basic drift values. New application techniques can be compared and valued with the help of drift values.Since 1995 plant protection products have been evaluated with the help of issued drift values with regard to their effect on the ecosystem and especially on non-target organisms. By now, drift values are issued for nearly all relevant crops and applications.

Evaluating drift reduction

Use ordinances of plant protection products demand the use of drift-reducing equipment and the compliance with distance requirements regarding surface waters and buffer zones. The manufacturers of plant protection equipment and equipment parts offer a wide range of technical solutions for drift reduction. The Institute tests the equipment and compares it to the basic drift values or to a reference equipment. Afterwards the equipment is registered in the drift reducing classes.

Testing the reduction of plant protection products

The use of equipment that saves plant protection products enhances water and environment protection.  Spraying with reduced application rates is not only ecologically but also economically reasonable. The reduction of plant protection products can be achieved by different technical configurations.

One solution for vertical crops is the recycling technique. With the help of a reception facility, part of the sprayed plant protection product is collected and runs back into the system. Compared to common equipment, the amount of plant protection product can be reduced by up to 30%. Another technical approach is sensor technology. By intelligent shutdown of the applying nozzle, the plant protection product arrives on the target area only.

The Institute tests and registers plant protection equipment for its qualities regarding the reduction of plant protection products.


Zuständige Wissenschaftler/innen

  • Dr. Tanja Pelzer