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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for National and International Plant Health

Inhalt: Risk Analysis

The Institute examines whether harmful organisms pose a serious threat to Germany or Europe. The analysis is based on international standards, which differ for quarantine pests and RNQPs. For each organism in question, we evaluate the expected economic and, where necessary, environmental damage. The flow of goods and the potential for the establishment and spread of a pest are also taken into account. The results are used to decide whether eradication or control measures are justified. According to § 57 (2) No. 4 of the Plant Protection Act, the JKI is responsible in Germany for carrying out risk analyses on quarantine pests.

Ad hoc assessment of new pests

If new harmful organisms are detected during import inspections, we carry out a phytosanitary risk analysis of the harmful organisms within a few days and decide on the necessity and type of control measures. Rapid action is necessary to ensure that trade is not unjustifiably affected and that the import of dangerous pests is stopped at an early stage. The results of our risk analyses and further information on pests and their occurrence are published on the Plant Health Knowledge Portal.


Assessment of import requirements of other countries

Another objective of the JKI is to identify and reduce trade barriers to the export of plants and plant products in the framework of a fair and rule-based trade. International agreements such as the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) play an important role. The JKI continuously reviews drafts of new or amended import regulations from third countries (SPS notifications). It is particularly relevant to us to what extent import requirements are technically justified and, for example, practicable with regard to required treatments. In this way, we identify and avoid potential barriers to trade as far as possible at an early stage.

Risk analysis data for destinations of German plant exports

In particular South American and Asian countries as well as the USA only allow imports once they have analysed the phytosanitary risks of the imported plant products and established specific import requirements on this basis. For this purpose, the exporting country must provide comprehensive data (dossiers) with information on the harmful organisms present in the exporting country and their control. In the case of plants and plant products from German production, the JKI is responsible for preparing such dossiers. After completion of the risk analysis by the country of destination, we check in cooperation with the plant protection services of the German Federal States the submitted import requirements.

See also

Plant Health - Rules for Passengers | Video of the EU-Commission

Purchasing Plant in the Internet: Why a Plant Health Certificate is so important