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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for National and International Plant Health

Inhalt: Phytosanitary Regulations, Standards and Guidelines


A variety of measures is taken in almost all countries of the world to protect against quarantine pests. These include, for example, inspection of plants and plant products during import and export, trade restrictions and import bans, or production and labelling requirements in trade. These measures are based on legislation and international conventions and standards. In Germany and Europe, these will be continuously adapted to new risks, current scientific knowledge and changed policy frameworks, with the participation of the Institute.

International Cooperation

Global trade and movement of goods are closely intertwined. Legislation and standards have a cross-border impact. Therefore, there is very intensive cooperation with expert bodies of the European Union, the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) and the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). In these bodies, we are involved in developing fair and effective standards for the international trade in plants and plant products.

The IPPC is an international convention signed by 184 countries, which in turn sets guidance for plant health legislation in all signatory countries.

However, the focus of our work is on binding EU legislation, which is developed and agreed by the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission's Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. Our role is to review and comment on proposals for future legislation, to contribute research results where appropriate, and to support the development of technically sound and workable regulations. The experts of our Institute are regularly active on behalf of the BMEL in this committee and the related working groups in the sections plant health, fruit propagating material and propagating material of ornamental plant species.

National Cooperation

Within Germany, we coordinate the positions taken in EU or international bodies with the plant protection services of the Federal States and the BMEL, and contribute to their uniform application. To this end, binding guidelines for the control of harmful organisms or the implementation of measures are developed in cooperation with the plant protection services. We draw up national contingency plans for the harmonized combat of priority pests, i.e. pests that are likely to cause particularly serious damage if they become established in Germany. They contain information for the Federal States to prepare for the possible entering of such a pest and to know immediately what to do when outbreaks occur. The contingency plans are coordinated with the plant protection services of the Federal States and are published on the Plant Health Knowledge Portal.