Inhalt: Central Department

Hans-Gerd Brelage
Head of Administration
- E-mail: hans-gerd.brelage@ julius-kuehn. de
- Telephone: 03946 47-200
Julius Kühn-Institut
Central Department
06484 Quedlinburg
VAT-Nr./UID-Nr.: DE 258 395 166
The division accomplishes the administrative tasks of the Julius Kuehn Institute. The head of administration is also in charge of all matters related to the JKI budget.
- general organisational tasks and legal affairs, labour safety matters
- finance (including third-party funds for research projects)
- research building, construction supervision and real estate
- personnel management
- property, device and supplies management, purchasing and contract tendering, car pool
- engineering and technical service, telecommunication
Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI)
Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
- Central Department -
Erwin-Baur-Straße 27
06484 Quedlinburg, Germany
Tel: 03946 47-0
Fax: 03946 47 209
poststelle@ julius-kuehn. de
Braunschweig office:
Messeweg 11/12
38104 Braunschweig, Germany
poststelle@ julius-kuehn. de