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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland

Inhalt: Plant protection methods to reduce the use of plant protection products

We develop scientific decision-making aids and processes tailored to them for integrated, sustainable concepts for the protection of plants in arable farming and grassland. The strategies we develop include the sustainable use of chemical pesticides as well as mechanical processes and preventive measures.

In doing so, we keep an eye on all forms of farming, including organic farming. Our knowledge is thus incorporated into the national action plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products and is constantly being developed further.

Resistances of harmful organisms to chemical pesticides are increasing. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to develop strategies to avoid such resistances.

In addition, we optimize production processes to prevent harvested crops from being contaminated with harmful organisms and mycotoxins. These can make entire harvest batches unfit for consumption.

Scientists working in this field

  • Dr. Beatrice Berger
  • Dr. Meike Brandes
  • Dr. Heidrun Bückmann
  • Dr. Matthias Daub
  • Dr. Simone Dohms
  • Dr. Johannes Hausmann
  • Dr. Christoph Joachim
  • Christoph Kämpfer
  • Dr. Sebastian Kiewnick
  • Dr. Jörn Lehmhus
  • Dr. Christoph von Redwitz
  • Dr. Dagmar Rissel
  • Dr. Bernd Rodemann
  • Mona Schatke
  • Dr. Simon Schiwek
  • Dr. Hans-Peter Söchting
  • Dr. Ulrike Sölter
  • Dr. Lena Ulber
  • Dr. Nazanin Zamani-Noor