Chemische/physikalische Analysen
Device name:Delta V Advantage – ConFlo IV – Flash HT
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Description: The instrument consists of an elemental analyzer (Dumas method), an isotope ratio mass spectrometer and a gas transfer station between both instruments. Elemental contents (C, N, S, H) and signatures of stable isotopes (13C/12C, 15N/14N, 34S/32S, H/D) can be determined. Isotopic signatures provide information about the source of the elements, e.g. whether N is taken up from the air or from the soil. In general, it can be used to study nutrient fluxes in the plant, especially nitrogen fixation.
Molekulare Analysen
Device name: ABI 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems)
Description: The Applied Systems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer is used for lenght analysis of DNA fragments marked with fluorescent dyes.
The fragments are separated using capillary electrophoresis and sized by comparison to a size standard. This method is mainly used for markers whose alleles show differences in length due to deletions or duplications (e.g. single sequence repeats or short tandem repeats).
Device name: Illumina MiSeq
Description: The MiSeq system is mainly used for GBS analysis (Genotyping-by-Sequencing). Genotyping by sequencing is a cost-efficient genetic screening method for discovering novel SNPs and performing genotyping analysis on crop populations with complex genomes. The MiSeq system is capable to produce up to 15 GB per run, delivering up to 50 M paired-end reads with a read lenght up to 2 x 300 base pairs.
Analysis of disease resistance
Device name:MacroBot 2.0 (IFF Fraunhofer)
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Description: The MacroBot 2.0 is a multimodal image station combined with robot loader/magazine for high-throughput analysis of fungal infestation of cereal plants. RGB images of detached leaf assays in microtiter plates are autonomously generated with a 14-bit 8 MPx Thorlabs camera. Pathosystem adaped image analysis is carried out using BlueVision Software. The system is currently used for quantitative analysis of powdery mildew, leaf and stripe rust on wheat and barley.
Analysis of root architecture
Device name:Hydroponic System
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Description: The hydroponic system is used to collect root architecture characteristics and consists of boxes in which multipot plates (7x5 places) are hung. The plants float in a nutrient solution (Hoagland) by floating rings and the aeration of the roots is done by aquarium pumps. At the moment the system consists of 12 available units, which can be combined in any way. The hydroponic system offers the possibility to record the root morphology (length, area, volume), topology and root architecture of different plant species.
Device name:WinRHIZO™
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Description: The WinRHIIZO™ system is used for the acquisition of root architecture parameters and consists of a Scanner with transparency unit for image acquisition and the associated analysis software. Here, scanning of washed roots and the following automated calculation of different root parameters are performed in a single work step. The WinRhizoTM system offers the possibility to record root morphology (length, area, volume), topology and root architecture of different plant species.
high-throughput, multi-sensor platform
Device name:Plantarray (Plant-DiTech)
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Description: Plantarray is a high-throughput, precise phenotyping system consisting of 120 units that performs simultaneous SPAC (Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Continuum) measurements for the whole-plant response to different environments. The system simultaneously collects sensor data from all plants in the array, providing a demonstrable comparison between plants and their treatments. For this purpose, weight, water consumption, conductivity of the soil, soil temperature and atmospheric parameters are continuously recorded.
Phenotyping insect resistance in plants
Device name:Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) Technique, EPG Systems, Software EPG Stylet+
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Description: Method for studying the sucking behavior of piercing-sucking insects such as aphids. As soon as an aphid penetrates the plant tissue, electrical resistance changes in the aphid-plant system are registered in the form of wave patterns that are comparable between all aphid species. The wave patterns are associated with different behavior patterns. This data can be used, among other things, to make statements about the possible resistance of plants to aphids and their localization within the plant.
Device name:Video Tracking, Noldus, Software EthoVisionXT
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Description: Device for recording the activity of individual insects on leaf discs. Used to study short-term plant-insect interaction. The software allows the user the programming of own parameters. The throughput is increased compared to the established EPG method, 56 (theoretically up to 100) observations in parallel are possible per recording. Used for pre-filtering of large genotype sets.
Seed analysis
Device name:MARVIN Universal (GTA Sensorik/MARViTECH)
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Description: MARVIN Universal is a robust seed analyzer that can determine seed size (area, length, width), grain shape (L/B ratio, circularity), thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain size fractions of all native crops. The analysis is based on software-assisted evaluation of digital optical 2D images, allowing seed samples to be counted quickly with high accuracy.
Spectral analysis
Device name:Hyperspectral measuring system
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Description: The possibility of a non-invasive characterization of organic and inorganic components using hyperspectral imaging forms the basis for numerous applications in plant breeding and precision agriculture. The generic behavior of materials to reflect, absorb and/ or transmit light is used to determine single compounds and quantification of target components. Closely linked are downstream methods of data-driven pattern recognition, which enable learning (machine learning) using reference measurement data and the mapping of the spectral data to the target variable.
Physiologische Analyse
morphologisch/physiologische Charakterisierung
Device name:AP4 Porometer
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Description: The AP4 is a cycling porometer and used for measuring the stomatal resistance of plant leaves. This is a measure of the resistance to loss of water vapor through the stomata and is an indicator of the physiological state of the plant. The AP4 provides an important tool for unravelling and understanding the intricate web of mechanisms that control stomatal behavior.