Field trial

Device name: RBG 1000 - Solid particle disperser

Description: Device for generating test and inspection aerosols from powders, pollen and spores.

Device name: Testo 425 - Thermal anemometer

Description: Measuring device for recording the flow velocity and it automatically calculates the volume flow.

Device name: Testo 635 - Temperature and humidity measuring device

Description: Measuring device for measuring temperature, humidity and dew point.

Device name: Thies vane anemometer

Description: Measuring device for recording the horizontal wind speed and direction.

Device name: Wento Ind - Weather station

Description: Measuring device for recording air temperature, humidity, wind velocity, wind direction and dew point.

Measurement device

Device name: Atomic absorption spectrometer

Description: Measuring device for the quantitative and qualitative determination of chemical elements based on spectroscopy.

Device name: Cary 50 Scan UV/Vis Spectrophotometer

Description: Measure device to analyze microlitre volumes of chemical and biological samples.

Device name: CT6 tachometer

Description: A universal tachometer used for non-contact measurements of speed, cycle time, total number, duration of the total count.

Device name: Pressure balance

Description: Piston manometer for the calibration of electronic or mechanical pressure measuring devices

Device name: Flow meter 1400 l

Description: Device for measuring the linear, non-linear, mass or volume flow rate of a liquid.

Device name: Flow meter 250 l

Description: Device for measuring the linear, non-linear, mass or volume flow rate of a liquid.

Device name: FLIR Systems infrared camera

Description: An imaging device similar to a conventional camera, however which receives infrared radiation.

Device name: Fluorometer QFX DeNovix

Description: Portable measuring device for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances.

Device name: Fluorometer RF-1501 Shimadzu

Description: Measuring device for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances.

Device name: Fluorometer RF-6000 Shimadzu

Description: Measuring device for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances.

Device name: Heubach Dustmeter Type I

Description: The Heubach Dustmeter is a monitoring/feedback device designed to help control the dust properties of bulks, powders, granules and fibers.

Device name: MultiSystem 5060 Plus

Description: Multi-function data logger for sensors with standardized signal inputs.

Device name: Testo 815 - Sound level meter

Description: Measuring device for assessing the noise level.

Test benches


Device name:Test bench "Application laboratory"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for dynamic measurement of the longitudinal distribution of a nozzle system.

Device name:Test bench "Single nozzles"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the distribution accuracy of individual nozzles.

Device name:Test bench "Single nozzle calibration"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the flow rate of individual nozzles of an air blast sprayer.

Device name:Test bench "Droplet size laboratory"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring drop size and drop size distribution using the VisiSizer Sizing System.

Device name:Test bench "Wind tunnel"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the drift potential index of individual nozzles under standardized conditions.

Test benches


Device name:Test bench "Fan measurement"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the air flow rate of blower units.

Device name:Test bench "Air Symmetry testing"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the air velocity and air direction of fan sprayers in fruit and wine growing.

Test benches


Device name:Test bench "Boom testing"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for testing the parallel guidance function of booms.

Device name:Test bench "Oscillation platform"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Sets sprayer in vibration to measure boom vibrations under standardized or field conditions.

Test benches

Lateral distribution

Device name:Test bench "Lateral distribution"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the transverse distribution of a nozzle system.

Device name:Test bench "Vertical distribution"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the vertical distribution of a fanner atomizers.

Test benches


Device name:Test bench "Pump performance"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the pump performance of sprayers

Device name:Test bench "Residual quantity"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for determining technical residual quantities in field sprayers.

Device name:Test bench for knapsack sprayers

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for portable air assisted sprayers.

Device name:Test bench "Thermal devices"

Warning: Undefined variable $ebeschribung in /var/www/ on line 94
Description: Test bench for measuring the effectiveness of thermal weed control devices.


Device name: Bühler SM25 shaker

Description: Laboratory orbital shaker with a large mounting surface and load capacity of up to 25 kg.

Device name: IKA KS501 - Shaker

Description: The KS 501 Digital is a low profile rotary laboratory orbital shaker with a large mounting surface and load capacity of up to 15 kg.

Device name: SONOREX SUPER RK 156 BH - Ultrasonic bath

Description: Ultrasonic bath for thorough and gentle cleaning through intensive cavitation bubbles or for dissolving dyes from filter paper.