Zentrale Datenverarbeitung
Existing agricultural research data infrastructures (RDI) are heterogeneous, not networked, and lack uniform standards for research data management (RDM). Research data are often stored locally or in non-accessible repositories due to a lack of expertise of data creators. However, a functioning RDM is an important prerequisite for integrated, cross-disciplinary research for future agriculture in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. FAIRagro is a community driven initiative of NFDI4Agri and will focus on the domain of agrosystem research. FAIRagro will enable researchers a FAIR and quality assured generation, publication and access to relevant research data, innovative and user-friendly RDM services and modern data science methods. Six use cases address key aspects of agrosystems research and realize designs for scaling up the implementation of services and standards in key data sources and piloting FAIRification of agrosystems data. We will establish the FAIRagro Portal as the central access point to our services and create a flexible, interoperable and scalable RDI by connecting available disciplinary repositories to make research data findable and accessible. We will facilitate combined data analyses with a computational environment and predefined workflows. To realize a FAIR RDM, we will establish a multi-level support system by setting up a coordinated network of data stewards, provide guidelines and information material, and focus on knowledge transfer for agronomists. FAIRagro will address quality and legal security challenges beyond FAIR principles. The quality of research data to improve re-usability will be ensured through the development of subject-specific quality parameters and curation systems. Privacy policies will be developed to ensure a balance between the interests of data providers and re-users, including approaches to handling sensitive data.
German Research Foundation