Institut für Züchtungsforschung an Obst
The apple is the most widespread and best-adapted fruit species in temperate latitudes. At the same time, the global demand for improved cultivars with higher quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress has increased. As a result, there is scientific interest in new cultivars with a range of desirable horticultural traits. The basis for this is a variety of new genetic resources. In the first phase of the collaboration, a joint collecting expedition to Vietnam's Quang Nam province will be organised to collect Malus doumeri. Malus doumeri is one of the Asian species missing in the JKI fruit gene bank in Dresden. The initial aim is to collect material and to characterise the samples taxonomically at the collection site. The collected seed material will be sown in both institutions. A first joint publication is planned after the expedition. Vietnam is a party to the Nagoya Protocol and has access agreements for the utilisation of Vietnamese genetic resources. Prior to the joint expedition, we will liaise with the relevant Vietnamese national authority to prepare the necessary documents. The first visit of the Vietnamese colleagues aims to carry out initial experimental trials on cryopreservation and molecular analyses at the JKI Dresden. On this basis, a joint experimental programme/project is to be developed in order to establish a comprehensive characterisation and evaluation of the material as part of a future long-term research cooperation between the JKI in Dresden and the Vietnamese institute. This includes the bilateral exchange of academic visits, the publication of joint publications and the joint supervision of young scientists from the Vietnamese institute in particular.
German Research Foundation