

Rodent management in sugar cane with barn owls


2024-11-01 bis 2027-10-31

Project management

  • Jens, Jacob

Responsible institute

Institut für Epidemiologie und Pathogendiagnostik

Cooperation partner

  • Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences - Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service, US

Overall objective of the project

This project is designed to better understand the ecology of four coexisting rodent species in Florida sugarcane fields. Rodent movement patterns will be assessed with radio-telemetry, dynamics and demography with trapping. Based on dynamics, demography and movement behavior, suitable management options will be tested at the management scale. Management techniques will focus on biological control with barn owls. Management success will be compared to trapping and to the use of registered rodenticides. Effects on rodent abundance, damage to sugar cane and yield will be measured. JKI’s role is to advise and to evaluate relevant previous data and new information resulting from the project. Barn owls are regularly present in many parts of the world including Europe. Therefore, rodent management in agriculture in Germany is likely to benefit from the results of this project.


Florida Crystals Corporation