

German-Colombian Training and Demonstration Project for Agroecology


2024-02-01 bis 2026-12-30

Project management

  • Lukas, Beule

Responsible institute

Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz

Project preparer

  • Lukas, Beule
  • Nadine, Herwig

Cooperation partner

  • Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research

Overall objective of the project

JKI together with the Colombian Agricultural Research Organization Agrosavia constitute the research partners of the project. The main task of JKI will be to contribute their research knowhow and expertise to the project to properly design, conduct, evaluate and disseminate research trials on agroecology conducted at Agrosavia research facilities in Colombia. The research results as outputs of the joint field trials with Agrosavia should contribute to extension material and training programmes to be applied for capacity building activities for the main project target groups such as scientists, smallholder farmers (including indigenous and marginalized groups), and agriculture extension staff.Based on the overall intervention design below, JKI will therefore mainly contribute to the project results 1 and 2 and will contribute with their expertise to international regional conferences organized by the project or other BKP projects in Latin America (result 3). All project activities implemented by JKI (summarized in five work packages) will be measured based on the following indicators:Result 1: Validation and Demonstration: Innovative agroecological approaches have been tested and validated with respect to their impact on food security and the socio-economic situation of marginalized groups, as well as their effects on biodiversity and climate conservation within the framework of participatory demonstration and trial projects.·         JKI Indicator 1: The benefits of agroecological practices on soil physical and chemical fertility including its climate change mitigation potential through changes in SOC stocks is evaluated and documented until the end of project months 35.·         JKI Indicator 2: The benefits of agroecological practices on soil biological fertility including the biodiversity and functions of the soil microbiome and earthworms communities is evaluated and documented until project months 35.Result 2: Formation and Training: The results of agroecological demonstration and trial projects have been incorporated into agricultural extension and training.·         JKI Indicator 3: The knowledge about agroecological practices generated through the joint research activities between JKI and Agrosavia under this project have been transferred to targeted marginalized groups, stakeholders, and politicians.Result 3: Regional coordination, networking and dissemination: Framework conditions and knowledge networks have been strengthened for the dissemination of innovative agroecological approaches.·         JKI Indicator 4: An exchange on agroecological practices and innovations between Agrosavia and JKI has been conducted at regular basis and contributes to an improved mutual understanding of and exchange on future solutions to improve food systems transformation in Latin America and Germany; including participation of JKI staff in national and regional conferences.    


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture