

Improving the properties, cultivation and utilization of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) by technological progress and breeding


2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31

Project management

  • Frank, Marthe

Responsible institute

Institut für Züchtungsforschung an gartenbaulichen Kulturen

Project preparer

  • Daniel, Maydell

Cooperation partner

  • Dr. Junghanns GmbH
  • Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Medizin, Bio- und Umwelttechnologie (GMBU e.V), Fachsektion Umweltbiotechnologie
  • Pharmazeutisches Kontroll- und Herstellungslabor GmbH (PKH)

Overall objective of the project

Lemon balm contains secondary phytochemicals that have potential for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications and vary depending on the variety and the growing and post-harvest conditions. Lemon balm is not winter-hardy and not suitable for direct sowing in the field, so that cultivation is risky due to high personnel costs. So far, biotic and abiotic factors have been scarcely investigated that could ensure the cultivation of high-quality plants in Central Europe.


Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy