Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und urbanem Grün
Sooty bark disease of sycamore is associated with hot and dry summers and is caused by the fungus Cryptostroma corticale, which originates presumably from North America. In Germany, the disease was reported in 2005 for the first time, and many outbreaks were recorded in the aftermath of the very dry summers of 2018 and 2019. Damages occurred mainly on sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and were, regionally, very severe. In the scope of climate change, future exacerbation of the disease is to be expected.So far, a teleomorph of C. corticale is unknown, but analyses revealed a surprisingly diverse population structure. The species belongs to the genus Biscogniauxia Kuntze, as was demonstrated in a phylogenetic study. The aim of the proposed project is the identification the Biscogniauxia teleomorph of C. corticale. On the basis of this knowledge, which makes up a fundamental part of the fungal life cycle, the development of sustainable strategies to protect sycamore from sooty bark disease is foreseen.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture